Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Value of laughing

Some time ago I read an article claiming laughter is the only innate and not acquired reaction humans possess. It means wherever you're from, the ability to laugh was encoded in your genes from the very beginning. Since I don't remember where I read this I can't guarantee it's 100% true, but I don't think I'm making an exaggeration when saying laughter is a worldwide spoken language (let alone being the best medicine). Remember this the next time you interact with people. Smiling and laughing brings people close to each other like nothing else.


  1. Thanks man. It is also good to smile and laugh at interviews :)

    1. Yeah, good point. Interviews are all about making a good impression and smiling always conveys confidence and benevolence :)

  2. I'm not sure if this applies to people with disorders like autism. They can't really empathize with other people.

    1. These are cases I'm afraid I don't really have an answer for. Perhaps autist people actually laugh within themselves but just don't share their emotions with other people. I guess a psychology expert would be the only one able to provide some insight about this. Good one though.

  3. I have read this very same things in a few places over the years. It's amazing how easy it is to connect with someone with something as simple as laughter.

    1. I'm actually suprised you didn't mention this on your own blog, considering we seem to be posting about similar subjects :)

  4. very true...music is the same thing as well

  5. when two cultures that don't speak the same language meet, they always have lots of laughing because it bridges communication


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